
It's a trap!



Expert Fighter (220)

Expert Navigator (130)

8 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantTrick 2019
04-03-2019, 07:43 PM
He was looking the other direction from Motif, his tail lashing behind him in anger as he scrubbed at the bugs near his face. Her shrill voice was suddenly in his ear and the boy whirled around to face his half sister. Noir’s eyes were narrowed to slits and his teeth were bared in a full on snarl. He could hardly hear what the other pup was saying, his heart beat loudly in his ears as he barely restrained himself.

Motif screamed at him and he couldn’t hold back his puppy wrath any longer. Noir made attempt to leap towards her, his hind legs coiling and releasing as he sought to close the distance between them. He opened his jaws wide, his hackles raised, eyes narrowed, and ears back against his skull. His striped tail lashed out behind him to help with his balance. Noir’s long legs hadn’t been grown into quite yet, and he needed all the held he could get in the grace department.

The boy aimed to slam his broad chest against’ Motif’s. Aiming the middle of his chest to collide with the point where her neck met her chest. He also tried to wrap his jaws around his sister’s face. The top jaw to grasp above her left eye and the bottom to hook around the bottom of her jaw. He’d widened the width between his front legs and aimed to wrap them around his sister’s shoulders. He wanted to use his weight to knock her to the ground.

Noir vs Motif for Dominance
Round 1/of two?
Size: dire
Build: heavy
Offensive Accessory: na
Defensive Accessory: na
Companion 1: na
Companion 2: na
Fight Skill Level: Intermediate
Specialty: na