
national anthem


07-16-2013, 08:15 AM

The sound of paws against stone interrupted Galileo's reverie. There was a clatter, a scattering of stones against the rocky earth, and Galileo blinked, turning his head to focus on a familiar figure as it approached. The white furred figure was only slightly smaller than Galileo, and the familiar triangles marking his form were a sight that Galileo recognized. Tiberious. They had never been the closest as pups, but Galileo had never minded the presence of the other, and in a pack as small as Glaciem (well, Tortuga now), they had played together and known each other when they were young. "Tiberious!" Galileo greeted the other with a wag of his tail.

It had been a while since they had spoken, but Galileo didn't mind that. The quiet male had never been one to actively seek out others. And as time had passed, he had grown still quieter, becoming less inclined to look for the company of others. It wasn't as much that they were intimidating, not anymore, no. It was more that Galileo was just as content on his own as he was around others. Still, he wasn't going to complain about a little bit of company right then.

With that in mind, Galileo flicked his hears and let his blue gaze wander out across the territory that was spread out beneath them. "Pretty, huh?" The youngster observed thoughtfully, tail wagging absently against the earth. One day, this would all be his, right? Little did he know that soon his family would be on the move once more. For the moment, he was blissfully oblivious to such things.
