
Mud Slide and Army Knives



3 Years
04-04-2019, 08:14 AM
Perhaps she never truly appreciated the luck she had, or maybe she appreciated it, but never realized she had it. What ever the case, hearing him speak about his life and how his memories were lost in a void, made Aggie think twice about her situation. She had lost everything, and it was painful, but would it not be more painful to never remember those she lost? To never remember herself? It was hard to say who had it worst off, the guy who couldn't remember anything, or the girl who would have given anything to forget her pain. "Perhaps it's for the best? If you two ended up here with no memories, perhaps something bad happened. Maybe not knowing is sparing you a lot of pain." It wasn't much, but she was trying her damn hardest to find something good out of his situation. Golden eyes dropped as she noticed one of his paws moving in the dirt, a language foreign to her ears but at least her eyes were no longer oblivious to their movements.

She pushed forward a small smile as he spoke her name, and turned to watch Meeko's reaction as he too was greeted. The muddy mess of a raccoon smiled eerily wide at the man and waved a little greeting with his paw before shuffling back behind the woman. Upon hearing an invitation for a bath and some food, Aggie would feel the low grumble in her stomach for the first time, and grin sheepishly. "That would be amazing, actually." Just then, her recently silent companion would pop out from behind her with wide joyous eyes. "O! O! There's a river east of here? We can wash up and go fishing!" The eagerness in his voice was unmistakable, causing Agnimitra to let out a little chuckle as she shook her head. A river would be a good place to clean up, and fishing was always an easy option for fast food this time of year. Shrugging her shoulders, she would turn to look at Lament. "You like fish?"
