
love to romance 'em


07-16-2013, 08:53 AM


A little family, huh? Who did that remind her of? A friendly smile crossed Ocena's features, and the female wagged her tail slightly, "The pack that I was born in was my parents and my siblings. There was my sister and I, and I had an elder sister as well, born to a previous litter. It's a bit of a jump to go from that to a fully fledged pack, but if it's something you want, it's certainly worth it." That was probably more information than Syne had desired, but Ocena had no qualms about chattering away. The friendly female twitched her ears, her tail wagging easily in the air behind her.

Ears twitching, Ocena blinked, tilting her head slightly as she listened to the other speak. "I remember those days," She observed with a grin, "A happy life, for sure. But I always found it too lonely for me. That's why I ended up in Glaciem." Ever since she had joined Glaciem, all of her wanderings had been with Gargoyle. And they were about to embark on a new chapter of their lives. Together. Of course, that was more sappy than anything Syne probably wanted to hear. "But now our whole pack is going to be on the move, so I guess I'm getting the best of both worlds?" Grinning playfully, Ocena seemed to be amused by her words.

It was nice to get to talk to strangers, Ocena had to admit. She adored her packmates, but it was always thrilling to meet strangers who were kind, like Syne seemed to be. "I love my pack, but I suppose it might not be for everyone. There are rules to be followed, and the pack always comes first, but in exchange, you get friends and a family and I have certainly enjoyed it." Here she had to pause and actually begin figuring, "It's been at least two years. Almost three, I should think." Ocena blinked, "A good chunk of my life, to say the least. It took me time to get used to pack life, but now I couldn't imagine living any differently." Here she paused again, examining the interestingly colored female before her.

"What about you? How long have you been on your own? Do you like it?" Curiosity colored Ocena's voice as she examined the figure before her.

TAG: Euphrosyne WORDS: idek NOTES: ---