
make up for lost time



13+ Years

Treat 2019
04-05-2019, 04:09 PM
Rhythm hadn’t been given much time to herself in Abaven in a long time, and she realized quickly she didn’t know the territory quite as well as she once had. With her returned freedom she was learning to better navigate without the help of her sight. She didn’t often run into things in front of her, but she was still known for stubbing her toe and walking into unpleasant debris on the ground. She was managing fairly well, only getting snagged by a couple of budding briar bushes.

She slowed when her dark chocolate ears caught the sound of someone making their way through the grasses. Rhythm guessed this was someone checking to make sure she had the clear to be here to begin with. Her blind old lady gig usually made strangers relax, and they seemed to believe her.

The old Destruction stopped, turning slowly as the wolf poked out of the underbrush. She smiled politely, but froze when the words left his mouth. That voice belonged to Epitaph, she’d never be able to forget it. His scent washed over her as she thought about her reply. Rhyme had made an offhand guess that this was her son, but the last time she had been here was too wrapped up in the new pups to have discussed anything. Rhythm couldn’t deny that she hoped this turned out to be her boy.

”I had to return to Legion.” She told him softly, wondering if he meant from when the girl’s were born or when he had been. ”You’re Epitaph, right? She had gone through much disappointment in her life, and she didn’t want to presume that she was the wolf’s mother. The pup she remembered had been stolen from her years ago now and they had no proof. Still, deep down she hoped.

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