
Talking Business



11 Years
Extra large
Dragon Mod

1KFamousTreat 2019
04-05-2019, 04:28 PM

Zell had to admit, he was surprised to see a girl sitting so close to his son. A questioning glance with his good eye showed for a moment before he quickly blinked it away. He supposed it wasn't any of his business. Maybe if he and Torin had a better relationship, he would have known about it. But they didn't, so it was what it was. His attention turned away from that as Torin began to speak. Informing them of his talk with a nearby pack. He remained quiet as he spoke, and even when the girl by his side spoke as well. That part sounded like the common sibling rivalry or relationship to him. He and his siblings had been pretty rough and tumble, and they had been mean to each other on some occasions, but it never led to resentment or hatred to one another. They had all gotten along until the end. "Sibling rivalry," He muttered.

When Frostbite spoke, he nodded along. Zell wasn't one to pry into anyone's business, even in Lirim. He wasn't about to go and fight someone else's battle because they were acting high and mighty without the skill to back it up. "Frostbite is right. Even if we did agree to helping, we don't have the fighters let alone trained fighters to spare. It's just myself and..." Well, he didn't know who else. He had never seen Torin or anyone else fight, so he shook his head. "Anyway, while we have the numbers, we don't have the fighters. Nobody has come to me to express interest in fighting, so he's going to have to suck it up and handle his own affairs."

He as in Tyranis. He didn't know the guy at all, and even if he was directly related to Frostbite, Zell didn't feel inclined to help. Maybe if they had more experienced fighters...but like he mentioned, nobody had expressed interest. He had been yelled at for being around Jewell's kids, so he didn't bother trying to train them. And Frostbite's kids were too young to be going to war. Torin could blame him for the lack of training if he wanted, but Zell thought that would be unfair. Nobody else was taking the effort to do it, either. And he'd argue that if need be.


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