
how did it end up like THIS?


07-16-2013, 09:14 AM


To think that their home had been this close to the evidence of the volcano's wrath and they had been entirely unaware of it. The ashen plains were spread out before Ocena, with no greenery sprouting for as far as her eye could see. Mismatched eyes narrowed slightly, and Ocena glowered at the ashen lands. This surely couldn't be that old. The eruption had to have been fairly recent. That meant that their home was truly as dangerous as Gargoyle had claimed. She had believed him, of course. But this was a vivid reminder of the strength of volcanoes. She had been there when Mount Ameni erupted, when her home went down in a fiery rain. And now she was looking at what could have quite possibly been the aftermath of the eruption in Glaciem if it had been a lot colder and snowier.

A heavy sigh stirred up the ash around her as Ocena began to pad along, picking up each paw as high as she could. She would have children soon, and the thought of letting them come into contact with this ash made Ocena shudder. Maybe it was just ash, maybe it wouldn't have any affect on her children. But Ocena didn't want to take any chances. She had seen the affects that a volcano could have. And spending much time around this ash probably wouldn't be good for them. Maybe she should leave soon. Ditch this place and find somewhere that didn't stink of ash.

Volcanoes. Ugh. Would she ever be able to get away from them? She had soon far too many in her short span of years. If she never saw one again it would be far too soon.

TAG: Valkyrie WORDS: idk NOTES: shit starter, sorry