
The Ademre



2 Years
04-06-2019, 11:41 AM
(Been meaning to throw this up for daaays xD)

Name: Ekon Ilore of The Ademre

Age: 1 year

Gender: Male

Ekon stands roughly 30 inches tall, weighing in no more than 115 pounds at any given time. He isn't extraordinarily tall of wide, but this isn't unheard of among his people. Smaller legs lined thick with muscle, trained to deliver decisive blows rather than a multitude of them. His fighting style, since reach is not an option for him, would have to be close combat because of this. His hairs are thickest around his neck and tail, while they are finer around his face and the barrel of his body.

Silver hairs cover his forehead, back of his neck, and across his sides. This silver blends and fades away as a deep clay brown moves in; covering the sides of his face, his chest, shoulder blades, legs, tail, and underside. An elegant mixture that only furthers to illuminate with the vibrant orange hairs common among his people. These hairs orange like a rising sun, line the front of his shoulders, sweep across the bottom of his sides, and the tip of his tail most noticeably. The orange also lines portions of his face nearest his eyes, which just so happen to be the same shade of orange. The tips of his ears are dipped in this orange dye, though it does not quite reach the inside.

Honesty has always been the only option for Ekon, even when it was difficult to do so. To lie is to taint one's own image, to soil their own name, thus it is more detrimental than useful. He dislikes wolves who are dishonest, even if it is someone he highly valued; he will not care for them afterwords. To show mercy is always the preferred option for this male, as he was taught in training school. To be merciless is to be cruel, and only dishonorable warriors display cruelty. Ekon values his honor highly, and will do almost anything to protect it.

Like most of his homeland, most of his emotions are voided on his face, showing only a stoic blankness 90% of the time. It was his only flaw during training school; every so often, when laughter threatens to bubble up in his throat, Ekon is known to show the slightest raise of his lips in an attempted grin. It's still considered a rare sight, however his homeland never uses such expressions outside the family dens, so his tiny grin became well known.

More to develop IC...

Taken the Oath?:  No... not yet anyways

Relation to the Pyre family: Training school classmates/friends

Rp Sample

Each youngling stood side by side, firm in their positions, standing tall and proud as their instructor examined each and every single one of them. Ekon stood beside his fellow yearlings, casting his gaze downwards as the instructor walked father away from him. Beside him, one of his oldest friends and training partner twitched his knuckle ever so slightly in the dirt, leaning more towards an emotion of /mocking, humor/ that made the corners of Ekon's lips twitch with the urge to laugh. Their instructor was a brutally strict male, that enjoyed little but training. Constantly building muscle and perfecting his moves, he taught the young Cadette much the same way; early morning wake up calls to run mile long dashes across the roughest terrain the island could provide, only to be let loose when each and every single one of them could run the length of the terrain in a certain amount of time. It caused tension between the ranks the first few weeks he ran this exercise; those who failed the first or second time causing more pain for those who had successfully completed it, thus causing anger to rise. Some minor fights would break out here and there between the hot headed youngsters and those who failed, but Ekon would do his best to intervene them. It wasn't always the same wolf who failed, everyone had bad days, so no one deserved to get ripped into for it.

Eventually the lesson was learned, that the unit had to work across the field as a team, rather than a group of wolves running for their own survival. The fastest wolf would get the the battle first, but he would not live long enough to see his comrades make it, so running as one was always better. It was after their morning run that the young wolves now stood side by side, after failing the test several times, but at least doing it as a unit. It wasn't ideal, but it was far better than what they had been doing, but the instructor continued to chant about "doing better than yesterday, and when you've done that, do better than tomorrow". That's why his classmate mocked him so, and that's why Ekon was distracted when the older warrior turned around, catching the glimpse of a smirk encroaching on Ekon's face. In an instant, the instructor was on him, taking the orange marked male to the ground with a loud 'thump', and causing the air to leave his lungs. No words were needed to exchange the anger in the older wolf, and the message was clear; there was nothing funny about this.