
love to romance 'em


07-16-2013, 09:39 AM


Euphosyne couldn't get enough of Ocena's stories. As someone who had lived as a loner for most of her life, hearing about pack life was incredibly interesting. She was a little surprised at how closely their early lives matched up. They had both come from small families and they had both had a sister, though Syne hadn't had an older sibling. It amazed the brown-marked fea how two wolves could grow up in similar situations and lead such different lives. Admittedly, she was a little bit envious of the small, black and white wolf. To have a pack always there for you must be like having a huge family. She often missed her parents and she missed her sister everyday. Syne listened intently to all of Ocena's words, more than happy to let the wolf be a chatterbox as long as she wanted. Syne only nodded and smiled in key places, like when Ocena mentioned getting the best of both worlds with their pack moving. When she questioned whether or not Syne liked being a loner and how long she had been so, she thought back, answering, "I guess I've been on my own for almost two years now. My sister passed away right before we turned one and I stayed with my parents a little under a year after that, so I guess that's about right. As for if I like being on my own... I like some parts of it. I like meeting so many new wolves and seeing so many different places, but it does get lonely. And I don't always feel safe on my own, especially at night. I mean, I know how to fight and all, I just don't like it. It has its ups and downs I guess."

Syne breathed in a deep breath to sigh, but when she did she happened to catch Ocena's scent. The fumes coming off the heated water had covered it up before, so she hadn't noticed it. She could smell her pack on her as well as Ocena's own scent, but there was something else there, something that poked at a memory at the back of her mind. It suddenly dawned on her and her emerald green eyes widened with shock. It couldn't be! "Um... Ocena... You wouldn't happen to know a huge wolf that's all different shades of gray, do you? He has golden colored eyes?" She couldn't believe that such a sweet wolf would know a jerk like that wolf she had met back in the Serpent Plains, much less know him well enough to have his scent so strongly on her.