
And all the roads that lead to you



7 Years

Snake EyesVolcanoChristmas 2019
04-08-2019, 08:34 PM
Kirsi was still slowly getting used to life within Fyri. Not only was she busying herself with getting to know her new packmates, but she was also dedicating a lot of energy to getting used to being around Ignatius again in general. Not that he was terribly hard to tolerate, no, far from it - but their relationship was hinging on a delicate balance that she was intent on not disrupting. When her mind wasn't fully occupied with Ignatius, she was trying to get used to her new home. The gorge wasn't such a bad place to reside, and she knew Ignatius was trying to improve it in his own ways.. except, sadly, there really was no helping the mud that had begun to accumulate once the snows started to melt.

Kirsi veered toward the flat field, finding it much dryer there. She wasn't one for filth in general though she was remarkably adaptable - a trait she'd acquired at an early age. Still, her attention was captured by a thicket of growing grass, as well as one particular fiery-pelted male that stood in the center of the field. He'd never been terribly hard to notice, except in the most specific of circumstances; she remembered once losing track of him during a late autumn sunset walk, and the thought nearly made her laugh now, her lips quirking up in a smile. She, too, was easily recognized in most situations, though the lands of ice and snow in the midst of night were better suited to camouflaging her own coat.

They were a sharp contrast as she approached him, one fire and one ice, and even now as she approached him she felt the way his warmth softened her ever-frigid exterior like the lick of an inescapable flame. It was painfully effortless on his behalf, and caught her off-guard and made her heart lurch in her chest, though she hardly let her smile wilt. "Thinking of doing some gardening?" Her tone was serious, and it was hard to tell whether she was jesting or not, but surely Ignatius would know she was despite the distinct lack of mirth in her voice. She'd noticed him studying the greenery and wondered if his interests had shifted in their time apart, though she doubted it.