
Talking Business



7 Years
Extra large
04-08-2019, 09:39 PM (This post was last modified: 01-23-2021, 07:17 PM by Torin.)
Derecho spoke about her brother and Torin took a mental note of her words. He didn't know how much stock to put into what she was saying, in that she was speaking of when she'd been a pup and while he was inclined to believe that at the very least Tyranis hadn't stopped picking fights. He supressed the urge to roll his eyes at his father instead sending him a reproachful glance and sighing lightly. Still he was glad his father was here and he was hopeful he wouldn't be chased off.

Both Frostbite and his father offered their own opinions and Torin nodded, sighing again. "That's along what I was thinking as well." He sucessfully managed to hold back his frustation with his father this time. While he could sympathize with Zell's point of view he also distinctly remembered telling members at the last meeting he expected lessons from the higher ranking members and as the only trained fighter in the pack that fell automatically to his father, who'd been in the middle of sulking and refusing to do anything helpful. So Zell was not blameless in his eyes, though he wasn't about to say that.

"Alright, I will tell Tyranis what our stance is in a month. For now, I'd rather let things play out without our interference." Plus he was tired and wanted nothing more than to curl up in his den and sleep for the whole month. He rose to his paws, meeting each of the gathered wolves' gazes as he spoke. "Thank you, all of you." He added an extra second to his look at his father. Things weren't mended between them yet but he wasn't about to burn whatever small bridge they'd managed to rebuild with them and he wanted to make it clear he really did appreciate his father's input. Whatever frustrations he had with Zell that didn't negate how much he valued his wisdom.

walk "Talk" think

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