
Wool Of Bat, And Tongue Of Dog



3 Years
04-09-2019, 03:32 AM
Cerulean gaze locked within her brother bi-colored one as she searched for something. For what, not even the witch could tell you however, for what ever reason in the stars, she seemed to have found it as a cheshire grin spread across her face, splitting it in half and displaying sharp canines. There was a flicker of doubt written within her optics however, the joy of seeing her brother, no, the joy of finding him would erase it from her memory. As you say, blood. her tones were dark and edgy but filled with affection and the hissing sounds of her birth defect. You know best. she gestured a nod before her attention was caught with an ivory, glowing wolfess that stood behind Hannibal, a few tails away.

You must not trust her.

Of course, no snake shall.

She was still unable to tell the difference between a hallucinations and reality however, no one seemed to mind, specially not hers. For her, everything was real, everything was happening because it simply smelled and felt real.

Her attention returned to her brother as soon as he voiced his goodbyes and she could only nod in is direction, I am not going to lose you again. she hissed right as Hannibal turned on his heel and she did the same, in the opposite direction. They were together now and nothing would stand in their way. If Hannibal seemed content in the Kingdom he had chosen to call home then perhaps, one of these days, she should visit it and see with her own eyes the life he made for himself.


Heed, and listen closely.

Flowers in Chania

Mature themed character; thread at your own risk, violence may occur without provocation.
Has a Silver Fox named Briar and a Grackle named Hræfn. They are supposed to be with her at all times unless stated otherwise.