
Sea's plot collection



13+ Years

Easter Egg Hunt 2023Rapid Poster - RainbowRapid Poster - GoldCoder - RainbowEaster 2022Toys for Tots
04-09-2019, 07:45 PM (This post was last modified: 05-19-2019, 02:16 AM by Shaye I.)
Shaye Destruction
This is a Main Character
female • 7 yrs old • Abaven • Straight(Single)
Fighter & Intellect

Overall: Shaye is gentle and sweet, who’s main objective in life is to look out for the lives of her pack mates, and to welcome into her pack the wolves she believes needs her help. She finds it impossible to turn her back to a cry of help.

She can rise to anger rather quickly when she thinks someone innocent or helpless is being hurt, or those she loves are in danger. once she loses her head, she isn't the clearest thinker and can get herself into trouble this way. She likes to be objective, and a neutral party in most things. However, her passion often gets in the way of this.

Abaven has been in her family since its creation. It was created by her Uncle Bass. Mother; Motif, Father; Shai. Daughters; Poem and Motif(The second)

Currently: Shaye is currently Lead Alpha of Abaven, who can be found most easily in the Eastern Territories. She can leave the pack lands, but does not do so too often.

Open for: Skill threads for both fighting and intellect, recruiting members to Abaven, helping someone in a tricky situation, also romance plots. She’s old, gotta find someone before it’s too late :P

Closed for: Leaving Abaven, Maiming, Breeding


Motif Destruction
This is a Secondary Character
female • Puppy • Abaven • Straight
Fighter & Healer

Overall: Motif is still a puppy under one year of age, she is in Abaven and not yet allowed to leave the territory. She has a lot of learning to do, and self-discovery. She's figuring out that she is someone who stands up to bullies, adores her family, and has no idea what she wants to be in the future.
There's a lot of room to grow with Motif, a lot of which could be decided through in character interactions.

She is not vain, or proud, and has no harsh feelings towards the fact that Poem was picked to be the heir of the pack. She wishes her sister well, and wants to be a great support to her

Parents; Shaye and Rhyme.
Full sibling; Poem.
Half siblings; Verse, Noir, Theory

Currently: She is in Abaven, and too young to leave.

Open for: Playful sparring, first crush, Role-Models (both good and bad), friends, ect. Any none-pack member interactions would have to be done at the border of Abaven until she is one year of age.
Closed for: Breeding & Maiming


Riva Nightingale
This is a Main Character
Female • 1 Year • Kesali • Straight
Intellect & healing

Overall: Riva is a healer obsessed with knowledge. She believes in doing no harm, but isn't afraid of doing a little experimenting to figure out how things work. Most of her concoctions are homemade brews, some tested, others not.

She was raised by a harsh mentor until she was one year old, and then thrust into the world on her own. At first, she traveled alone, before agreeing to join Kesali under the condition that she will never be banned from healing any wolf.

She spends a lot of her time travelling out of the pack in search of herbs and knowledge. She helps any wolf she encounters that needs it without cost.
She can be located in any part of Ardent

She is a healer before all else.

Parents: Nysa & Unknown

Currently: Kesali/ Travelling

Open for: Romance, Skill threads, friends, patients, ect

Closed for: Maiming, forced breeding


Lament Pyre
This is a Main Character
Male • 1 Year • Loner • Straight
Fighting & Intellect

Overall: Lament is a fighter, borne from a race far different from those that frequent the lands of Boreas. He can come across as strange and exotic, with quirks that define his as a foreigner.

Currently he has lost his memory, and struggling to find out who he is. Him and his sister are heading to Legion until their memories return to them. After that, they will likely start a band.

To find out more information on his people's customs, look to the 'Ademre' information on his profile

He is very protective of his sisters

Mother: Banner Pyre of The Ademre
Sisters: Ballad & Amaretto

Currently: Legion/Travelling

Open for: Romance, Skill threads/Sparring, friends, One night stands, Conflict ect

Closed for: Maiming, forced breeding


A 'Main Character's' reply will be faster then a 'Secondary Character's' But both types are available for plotting!
(I have not yet posted all my characters here)
[Image: DJR1fLh.png]