
wasteland, baby

Shaye I


8 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantTreat 2019
04-10-2019, 12:07 AM
His instinctive flinch was the ache in her heart. It was the kindle to her fire, and the reminder of what she would do if a slaver ever crossed her path. Vlad got off lucky, being passed on to Valentine. Every time she saw Epitapth, a part of her wanted to tear the guilt apart. What had been done to him never should have happened. She breathes it away, turning in into fondness as she smiled at the young man. He was a sweet wolf, who had been nothing but a help to her, even if he still had a lot of adjusting to go through.

He would bob his head in answer to her question, and she was curious what had kept him busy. It was good to see him out of the den. Of course, her interest changed from happiness at him being occupied, to weary at what he was saying. Dangerous herbs? She hadnt known about that. She should have, she had trained for ling enough as a healer. She just hadnt concentrated so much on dangerous herbs. Her area of expertise had been injuries and sickness, not accidental poisonings.

He settled down before her and she settled down herself, so she wasnt looming over the smaller wolf, she leaned forward and gave him a fond nuzzle. "I'm glad you brought this to my attention, I had no idea" she admitted, already considering the applications. "We have no need for dangerous herbs, unless they have medicinal purposes?" She pitched her voice into a question, but didnt pause. "Woukd you be willing to be part of a team organized to dig them out and salt their roots? We should remove them before spring fully blooms" she decided.

He asked what she needed, reminding her that she had wanted to speak to him about other matters. "Oh.." she said, thoughts still twisting around what he had told her "Yes. I wanted to see how you would feel about taking on a garden of your own. Abaven is a large terratory and one herb garden isnt enough for it. Would you want the project?" She asked him. It was a legitimate concern, and would ease him into larger responsibilities.


Most people dont want to be nagged about threads - I do! If I owe you a post, tell me. I've taken on a lot of threads and gotten lost. If you want a post, tell me where, and i'll reply.