
it's all a show



10 Years

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2Pride - LesbianBeeventVolcano
04-10-2019, 07:08 PM

While Ásvor had anticipated the south being a rather unappealing place to live, well... it wasn't turning out to be quite so bad after all. Perhaps her newly blossoming relationship with Valdis was the main reason it was more tolerable than she'd expected, but.. the weather really wasn't so bad. Surely the summer would leave much to be desired, at least for her tastes, but the nights were still pleasantly chilly despite the daytime warmth.

At least the arrival of spring gave her plenty of distractions in the form of herbs, and she was keeping herself busy scouting out the lands neighboring Legion's and assessing where she could find plants that might be of interest to her. Now that she'd been part of a pack for some time her supply was alarmingly boring; most were plants with real medicinal uses rather than her.. preferred sort. Hoping to remedy that, she ventured out along the edge of the river that bordered Legion's lands. The land along the riverbank was fertile and Asvor felt it had great promise.

The flow of the river was stronger than usual, thanks to the melting snows from the north, and so Asvor kept a safe distance from the muddy banks as she went. Little caught her attention - a small cluster of valerian root she'd passed by recently, as well as some marshmallow that she considered gathering but decided against - until she saw a dark-coated male about her size in the distance. Not only that, but he seemed to be working some kind of plant between his jaws, and she raised a brow slowly as she approached quietly. "Find something interesting, have you?" Asvor called out when she drew closer, a faint grin tugging at her lips as she looked the stranger over.