
four and twenty black birds



4 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantValentines 2020Critical Fail!Trick 2019
04-10-2019, 08:18 PM
Poem was glad to be rid of their differences so easily, she was always up for learning. If she lost or won this little tussle at least she would be gaining experience from it. The young Destruction might even pull it off with a new scar! Though it was unlikely it would last long. Puppies healed faster and better than their adult counterparts. At least that had been what Vail said when she’d gone to her after getting knocked in the head after the badger.

Theta was just as eager as Poem, the slightly smaller girl took up her defenses naturally. The Abaven pup mirrored her opponent. Her ears fell to her skull to keep them tucked out of the way of sharp puppy teeth. She pulled her lips back to reveal her pearly white canines, making them easier to use and also loosening the skin on her muzzle so a bit there might not cause as much damage. Poem’s knees were bent to improve her balance along with flagging her tail out behind her. Her hackles raised, and given the opportunity to start the spar she would.

Assuming the two pups were still roughly a meter apart Poem would coil her haunches and attempt to spring towards her opponent head on. Not having a lot of room to build up momentum Poem would try to grapple her opponent instead of bowling them over. The girl raised her forelimbs like she was going to take a mighty leap but really she aimed to wrap her front paws around her opponents neck. Wanting the result in their chests together and her arms around Theta’s neck for control.

At the same time Poem would open her jaws wide, aiming to bite down on the loose skin behind Theta’s left ear. With these two moves combined the girl would aim to push her opponent to Theta’s right and to the ground.

Poem v Theta for Spar
Round: 1/2
Size: x-large (puppy)
Build: medium
Fight skill level: beginner(at the start of the spar)