
Hands up like (pom-pom-pom-pom-poms)



6 Years
04-10-2019, 09:09 PM

She had taken her daughter hunting in an attempt to continue teaching her and along with giving Lucine the satisfaction of gifting her grandmother a fresh meal for her. She had left Lucine with Storm as she headed out to get some herbs and to get some space to think. She still couldn't wrap her head around everything that was going on since her and her little family returned to Abaven. It had been emotional and it had been confusing and at times just to much to even handle. She hadn't fully processed it all, but at the end of the day Brandr was her rock and he helped her sort things out.

She had seen Derecho and Cloud was still the brother she was happy to see. Ty on the other hand she had not gone to for a visit yet. She wasn't even sure how to act around him since that incident with the vulture and now he had so much going on that she really didn't want to bother him, he needed his time to rest. She had swore to her mother that she would keep an unbiased mind and disregard what others said about him or how he had acted towards Storm during their last visit.

She had been lost within her thoughts when the howl tugged her away, a slight twang of familiarity within the particular voice behind the call. Shaye was being specifically called, but the familiar voice behind the call had Corentine dragging herself in the direction. There was only one other she had yet to see and part of her heart had hoped that the wolf behind the howl was the remaining sibling. If Derecho was alive and well after all this time there was a much bigger hope that Tempest was the same.

She soon realized that she was running to the howl, mind focused on finding out who it was and when her gold eyes met the familiar gold eyes of her sister, happiness would begin to shine within her own. She slowed and stopped a few feet from her, silver and black tail wagging and a smile on her face. Walking the remaining distance she sought to greet her sister with a warm embrace, to bury her face into Tempest's shoulder.

"Tempy.......... I'm so happy to see you!" she said.

"Talk" "You" Think

Brandr, Lucine, & Halation is allowed in any of her threads regardless of the tag