
Upon The Horizons

Setekh I


6 Years
04-12-2019, 07:27 PM (This post was last modified: 04-12-2019, 08:08 PM by Setekh I.)
Venom on my tongue
fire in my veins,im cold-blooded
Steady ember eyes watched the night sky with interest. It had been some time since he had graced the lands with his presence, and quite frankly he had wondered how his lover was doing: his sister whom he had left some time ago. Gods only knew the hell she was going to rain down on him upon his return to her, however the brute didn't care. His thoughts were more-so finding her and making sure that their life with each other became whole once again. The thought alone sent a chill running down the lithe brute's form, his tail twitching with the thought as his stomach rumbled with anticipation of holding her in his embrace. However, he wondered if she would even be in these lands at all. A lot has changed, but, he didn't think about that.

For now, his thoughts would remain elsewhere as the crisp, Spring night air tickled his nostrils causing him to flare them up in displeasure. How he missed the warmth of the sun during the Summer. The day was new, and there was still more for the brute to do regardless of the scenario he brought himself into. His eyes circled the perimeter, seeing the everlasting view that seemed to entice him, wondering if anyone dare to have jumped from this height. Though he was not idiotic to do so himself, curiosity was always within the brute's mind. Surely someone would have to endure at least a broken bone or two, but, perhaps his eyes were playing tricks on him?

His ears flicked to the side, turning his crown to the side as a mouse scurried across the stone embankment. Oh, what a foolish creature. Please jump, little body, you wouldn't last long. He thought with a sickening smirk spreading across his maw. Even though the creature was anywhere near the edge, just the thought of it made the brute feel some form of excitement and ecstasy, especially when he was the one causing one's suffering. But, alas, he had to wait patiently for some passerby to grace him with their presence, for he always seemed to expect the unexpected especially in these lands.
