
Upon The Horizons

Setekh I


6 Years
04-12-2019, 08:18 PM
Venom on my tongue
fire in my veins,im cold-blooded
His thoughts would continue to plague his mind for what felt like an eternity to the brute. His ember orbs focused heavily on the ground below. Even though the view almost seemed to show off the heavens, he was not here to doddle on such lovely scenery. His stretched his form, leaning his body forward to stretch his limbs after walking for some time, only having a little bit of time for relaxation before going off in search of the only thing he actually cared for. But, upon further analysis, his eyes would shimmer with curiosity and danger as the male's audits focused in on another not far from where he stood.

They seemed to be overlooking the cliff much like he had prior to his arrival. Perhaps he could show some form of trickery with this brute, unless he was of some use to him. Maybe the young brute had come across his lover? Perhaps some introductions were in order as he approached the male, his form almost like a shadow as he walked, the only thing stopping him from being such was the alabaster markings upon his back and tail, as well as his ember orbs that the God's had blessed him with.

A deep, mellow voice broke out as the god spoke to the male before him, "Quite the scenery might I say. However, you should watch your step, never know what one wrong slip might do to someone," he spoke, his tail twitching slightly almost like that of the hands of a clock. His head tilted slightly in curiosity and interest as he sat upon his haunches, keeping his shoulders level as his eyes seemed to bore into the strangers, trying to see if he was worth his time. If not, he'd be on his merry way, but, what was the rush anyways? He had plenty of time on his paws, least that's what it seemed to him.
