
the mortal realm



2 Years
Extra large

Treat 2019
04-12-2019, 08:25 PM
Thoth’s mortal body was young, and he hadn’t quite learned the hardest lessons of life yet. His size made him intimidating for most, but he was not in the least built for fighting. His long delicate legs were testament to an easy life. He was a scholar and a thinker, not a fighter. He worked in facts and whispers instead of tooth and claw. So Thoth didn’t realize he had company until the midnight wolf spoke.

”...spoken with the spirits.”

Thoth turned slowly towards the newcomer, taking in his shorter stature, if not identical body style. The accent he held even more familiar than the markings that marred his face. The golden gilded boy god tilted his head slightly, his curiosity obvious as the stranger continued his words. Thoth remained still as the stranger drew more near to the plants in question. He mulled over the knowledge offer so freely, of uses Thoth had not been made aware of through teaching or experience. He wouldn’t forget what was given. a garden…

The young alabaster deity nodded softly in agreement, he too would want some of this close at hand. ”Thoth Anhk Ithuriel,” the boy added before answering. ”When my grandmother transplanted anything she dug around the plant she wanted to move, making sure not to disturb the roots, and placing them in a hole about the size of the root ball. She said always remember to water thoroughly after transplant. With Nile water if possible.” He knew that would never happen here, but maybe they could find a similar life giving body of water.

”You sound like you could be from my home.” It was a statement rather than a question, if he hadn’t recognized his name before he wasn’t from the mother land.

wc: 305
Where My Demons Hide