
the mortal realm



3 Years
04-13-2019, 09:47 PM

Slender, elegant cranium tilted as the larger male regarded him curiously. The wraith blinked at him. It seemed that the male agreed with his desire to cultivate the herb, and was quick to offer his opinions. Not, however, before introducing himself. ”Thoth Anhk Ithuriel,” he offered. A soft, surprised grunt huffed past his nostrils. ”When my grandmother transplanted anything she dug around the plant she wanted to move, making sure not to disturb the roots, and placing them in a hole about the size of the root ball. She said always remember to water thoroughly after transplant. With Nile water if possible.”

A thoughtful hum slipped past his lips, brow quirked. This was an interesting, well informed concept. He hadn't tended a garden before, so he would accept the advice. Gaze drifted towards the mint plant once, more considering it for a moment. He would have to catalogue this location to gather it at a later date. ”You sound like you could be from my home.” the pallid male posited.

"Anubis Ithuriel," the onyx doll crooned, introducing himself with a polite dip of his dark crown. There was a hint of a smile toying upon his inky lips, amused to have encountered another of his mysterious half siblings. "Poscit, frater." he added. Perhaps this one had not been taught the language of the divine, but it would serve as an interesting test. "I like your method, Nile water is much lower in salt, and would not poison the plants. I may have to use that method in the future."

Tipping his crown to the north, the male took a few steps away. "Care to explore further? There are more herbs to see, I'm sure." should the larger male choose to follow him, he would lead the way towards the north- where they might have more luck to find other plants to investigate.

(word count: 349, total word count: 1290)