
how did it end up like THIS?


07-16-2013, 11:28 AM

Valkyrie over looked the desecrated plain with a frown on her face. Ash blew in the wind and covered the ground with a fine layer of death. The aura of this land was dark and unhealthy, and the air smelled bitter. What in the Goddess' name happened here... Her stomach churned with unease and she broke out of her own mind with a low growl. It would surely do her no good to linger in a place like this. She was never one to let her surroundings, or anything for that matter, get to her. The fact that just this simple landscape was disturbing her was reason enough to move on. She hadn't gone far, however, when her eyes caught sight of a small figure in the distance. Interest piquesd and happy for the distraction, Valkyrie kicked her gait to a trot and made a b-line for what was rapidly becoming a small, dark, and pregnant wolf who seemed rather unhappy about being there.

Her sense of chivalry flared and a grin wormed it's way onto her face. A spring came into her step and she pranced onwards, calling out as she grew closer. "Excuse me, miss?" Her voice was its usually silken smooth, with a slightly purring undertone. Her tail arched over her and plumed, her legs took long and powerful strides. She chuckled to herself as she drew closer, realizing that the femme was quite small compared to her massive frame. The nearer she got the slower her pace grew until she was walking once more. She paused a ways back, not wanting to frighten the expecting mother unduly. "Hello, my name is Valkyrie Brynhildr. Are you quite alright?" She asked again now that the conversation could be more personal. It seemed to her that her day had just taken a turn for the better.

Speech, Thoughts