
I had all, most, some and now none of you

Shaye I


8 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantTreat 2019
04-14-2019, 11:30 PM

She could see the emotions he was going through, they played easily on his face. She was surprised at the force of his anger, and he took it out on the ground with no gentle swipe. His large paws gave a ‘thud’ as they fell, and she could just about feel the earth tremble beneath the mans unwaning anger. A rage that he hung onto for a little while longer, before sagging and looking to her in defeat.

His rage surprised her, though she did not show it. She had seen edges of it, seen him blink or force back a snarl of ranger here and there when things that went against his view of the world appeared. Like how he had spoken when he had told her how Tana’s masters had treated her.

Never had he looked so lost, as he let the anger leave him, and let it turn to disappear. He fell to the earth before her, helpless with his emotions now that his rage wasn’t there to guide him. She had felt blinding rage only twice in her life, and she knew how blinding it was. She felt a little sad that she had to be the one to tear the blindfold free, and show him the path of his desires, but it had to be done. She could not allow him to break Rhythm, his mother, and a woman she had so long loved and adored. That is what would happen if he had gone through with his rage, he would have broken her.

He seemed to think that who he was revolved greatly around the choices of his parents, he, a wolf well in his prime, who was already forging a new path for himself. How would she feel, if Motif had taken their family name from her, and told her she wasn’t worthy of it? The emotion made her feel uneasy, because she knew she would be just as irrational as her Second.

Still, he had asked her what to do, and she only had one response for him.
“You become who you want to be” she said gently “Despite them.” she leaned closer, resting her head beside his. “I am proud of who you are, and what you stand for. I know your way has gotten so tangled and confused, I know you don’t know who you are any more. Perhaps it would help you, if I told you who I see. I see a wolf who stands up for wrongs, who fights for this pack and everyone in it. I see a wolf who still stood strong after slavers had tried to tear him down. I see a wolf that saved his mother, because I know she would not have survived without you. I see a wolf I am proud to call my Alpha, and am excited to see what we do with our future.” she voice still gentle, bearly a whisper, with strength behind it.



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