
a paradox



4 Years
04-15-2019, 08:23 PM (This post was last modified: 04-15-2019, 08:42 PM by Maddox.)


Nature sang its tune of excitement now that spring came forth in an array of singing birds, greener landscape, and warmer air. Small creatures now venturing outside of their homes much more often now that the bitter bite of winter slumbered, readying itself for next year’s frost. Squirrels hurry on earth’s floor. In haste they gather food or race to a different tree across the way, some even scurry back up their just descended tree at the sound of crunching grass. Little delicate bodies heaving in their effort to breathe air into their lungs as beady dark eyes watch the danger of a predator moving across their grounds. You could almost see the rapid pace of their beating heart through the layers of fur and flesh; if one got close enough they’d probably be able to hear its wild rhythm.

Lemon orbs stared with disinterest at the tiny beast; its own eyes staring back with what he could only presume to be fright. With a twitch of a snout and swing of a tail, orbs of yellow directed back to stare in the direction his body was traveling. His subconscious made a push at his mind in an impatient request to continue forward in hopes of finding a destination. As an act of rebellion towards one’s self, he kept his legs still and paws planted until content that he successfully defied his own mind in an act of stubbornness. A few seconds, possibly minutes, or maybe even hours of just standing in one spot while keeping his staring contest with nothing but open land. He thought with distraction “I think I need sleep”, before pushing his body forward with more effort than he’d care to admit.

A distracted and tired mind gave you fault, chasing away your ability to hone in on your surroundings and creating vulnerability. A lesson that was beaten into him at a young age to always be alert and ready no matter how weary one becomes; perhaps he needs another beating to help chip away the rust to his training. Too bad his father wasn’t there to do just that, but sometimes you learn the hard way and he really wished he hadn’t.

Maddox counted his steps, 1 2 3 4…20, 50, 80 before a small and still undeveloped roar sounded to his right, causing his blood to run cold and body to freeze. Ears swiveled back and forth with the hope that his mind imagined the sound, but luck was not in his favor. Another squeak of a roar came once more, but this time it sounded closer, accompanied by vicious sniffing and a low grumble of what he could only assume to be of aggravation. A declaration of run echoed in his mind, but before he could act on the instinct, an angry roar vibrated through the once peaceful air, as well as startling the birds to flock away at the abrupt disturbance. Within seconds a brown beast barreled into Maddox side, its force knocked the air from his lungs, leaving him gasping as he tumbled around on the ground, collecting debris on his pelt as he went.

Without fully catching his breath, he rolled onto his feet to avoid those sharp claws from tearing his stomach open. Yellow orbs stared with their usual indifference even though his insides speak differently. Keeping the bear within his line of sight he was able to dodge her attacks, although it was difficult with his limited space and his need to search for an opening to make his escape. She twisted to face him, leaving a gap that Maddox hoped he could slither through unarmed. Without another thought, Maddox launched himself forward, breaching the gap, he thought he made it out scratch free but she was just as quick. With another effort to down the wolf, she swung her large front paw towards Maddox’s flank with determination to not let him out unharmed.

A painful burning sensation erupted through his right hip, causing his face to scrunch up in a scowl. The hit tittered his balance, but he kept an upright position to continue his escape from the angry bear. His pace slowed more than he would have liked as his hip screamed for rest and attention, but he kept pushing forward until he couldn’t hear the steady sound of thumps pursuing him. With a groan the wolf slowed down until he completely stopped, his sides heaving as he panted for air. A twist of his neck, orbs looked to assess the damage she had caused, while gnarly and bloody, he could tell that he had just caught the brunt end of her assault, luckily.

Maddox heaved a breath before he pushed forward, his walk now accompanied by a fresh limp. It was the feeling of relief when the sound of a body of water washed over his senses, forcing himself to speed up until the sight of a river came to view. His black body sluggishly wondered itself over to crisp water before slumping to the ground with renewed fatigue. A pink tongue escaped its cavern to greedily lap at the refreshing water, thankful for its existence. With great effort, he lifted his cranium to once again inspect the damage before deeming his injures, while ugly and annoying, not lethal to his being. An irritated huff left his lungs at the inconvenience, before settling his head back down to rest at the edge of the river bank as his body begged for some rest. With no energy left to argue with himself, eyes closed with the intent for a quick nap before caring for his wounds. Within just a few seconds he slipped into a light slumber, ears still twitching automatically at the slightest of sound, ready to alert its master of any unusual noise.
