
And all the roads that lead to you



7 Years

Snake EyesVolcanoChristmas 2019
04-16-2019, 01:06 PM (This post was last modified: 04-16-2019, 01:06 PM by Kirsi.)
Time had changed a lot of things, but it hadn't changed how she felt about Ignatius - if anything, her love for him had only grown stronger over time, in the face of what had happened. There was still a wariness there, she could feel it from his end of things, but he seemed so starved for her affections that he was willing to temporarily forsake digging deeper into their tumultuous history. Kirsi was content to follow his lead and to let him live with his uncertainties for the sake of this.

His chuckle earned a wry grin from her as she regarded him, deciding that he'd only grown infinitely more handsome in the time they'd spent apart. Though he'd always been charming, even in their younger years, time was treating him remarkably well, smoothing his youthful features impressively - like a river might polish the surface of a stone. For a split second she was stunned by his charm, fumbling internally over her thoughts, but she made no show of it. "Better not let anyone see their ruler lounging around. You might set a bad example." It was strange to imagine him as a ruler, and she was still getting used to it; in her head, Kirsi had thought she'd known how their future would turn out. Lucien would take the southern kingdom's throne, and she and Ignatius would flee to a far away land to raise their children, happily ever after. How foolish she had been. The very thought brought a pain of heartache to her, though she quickly shook it off and returned the gesture with a slow nuzzle of her own.

His snarky commentary earned a slow raised brow, and she shook her head. "Not a clue. I've been wondering that myself." Kirsi returned the jest with unrelenting seriousness, though her gaze was fixed on him instead of looking past him as he had done. "Bit of a bore, this Fyri place is." Only a slight twitch of her lips gave away that she was taunting him in a totally innocuous way, otherwise she was stone-faced and dead serious as she pulled away to watch him.