


04-16-2019, 08:50 PM

Things had calmed since the day on the battlefield, but internally she was still unsettled. She hadn't been real sure of what all had happened and though Archon had won it hadn't been the wolf he originally challenged. So she wasn't sure what the purpose the paler man held in Archon's eyes or in the God Archon had introduced her too. Since meeting Archon she had yet to get more teachings from him and was being left in a slight limbo since they had been traveling a bit. She was confused to put it simply and wondering if maybe she had made the wrong decision when she chose to fallow Archon. Of course everyone at some point struggled with beliefs and she didn't realized that doubt would be normal to feel at times.

Moving quietly towards the lake the colorful female planned on enjoying a quiet evening. She couldn't find Archon or Circe at the moment so she decided to simply take time for herself and just enjoy the nice spring weather. She hadn't been paying full attention to her surroundings and being that the male was within the thicket she didn't see him. She moved to the edge of the lake and would settle down on the shore with her front paws dipped into the shallow water. The Merle women cast her bright blue gaze out over the lake watching the water as it grew darker and the fireflies began to flash.
