
a story to tell



4 Years
04-17-2019, 06:18 PM


The early morning sun rose up from its slumber, bathing its land in a yellow hue. Creatures of the day began to awake; birds chirp and sing as if to celebrate the suns arrival. Deer travel to their grazing pastures in search of forage; ushering their excited young, reminding them with the occasional head bump to not become distracted or to wander from the herd. Squirrels quickly start on their daily chores, if you will, in their sporadic fashion. It amazed him that such a dim-witted creature still existed within this chaotic world; its only advantage is its nimble body and the ability to climb trees. Yet, considering their still of abundance within the land must mean their defense is evidently working or, perhaps, it’s just the mere fact that they populate like rabbits. Whatever the means of their plenty, Maddox was just content with their existence for they make a quick and easy snack. With the thought of food in mind, a demanding grumble broke the peace, alerting its owner that it sat empty and wished for sustenance. His body’s need for nourishment left him with the feeling of irritation at the inconvenience.

In a huff, the black wolf pushed his body forward into a sluggish gate, mind not keen on the idea of exerting oneself for something that he considers troublesome. If food wasn’t important for his health, he wouldn’t partake in its activity; although there is a sick pleasure of the sound of cracking bones, the feel of ripping flesh, and the taste of iron on his tongue. Maybe those are the reasons why he hasn’t allowed himself to starve to death, that and his stubborn nature.

As the sun sets itself higher in the sky, coaxing its pets to come and play in its warm rays. Fawns dance around their mothers with pure innocent joy, their minds not yet corrupted to the horrors that transpire within these lands. The only knowledge they hold is those stories that the elders share to scare their minds, to hopefully place some inkling of fear into their bodies, in hopes that’ll keep them safe. What a mockery, what an injustice to not teach your young how to fight, how to defend oneself with bodily force. Instead, they rely upon their speed, cautious nature, their numbers, and luck, just to have to start all over again the next day. Maybe he’ll demonstrate for them today.

Observant eyes watch and evaluate the situation; his body carefully formats a half circle around the herd, keeping his body low and his steps quiet. Maddox scouts the weakest link, one with the smallest frame and slowest pace, the one that sticks closest to its dam. It didn’t take long for his yellow eyes to lock onto his target. Its body small and its legs just not quite figured out, it doesn’t stray far from its mother, but its gallop is slow when it attempts to play with the others; perhaps it’s the smallest out of twins. With a goal and plan set in mind, the brute practically tiptoes his way closer, keeping his scent downwind as not to alert the herd of his presence. When deemed an acceptable distance to assure his success he launched himself forward, making sure to push the herd fast and hard. Their notice of him was quick, they hastily ran from the danger heeding no mind for each other. It’s obvious to see their all for one mentality.

With his victim rapidly slowing his assault was quick. Jaws snapped down on the hind thigh before jerking the fawn towards the ground with a thump. Her wails of desperation rang through the field before a deafening crack split through the air only to be followed by silence. Minutes passed as Maddox ate his fill, to then settle on chewing contently on a leg bone. His mind wondering back to the thought that perhaps he’ll be the next character in a story the fawns elders speak of.
