
a paradox



4 Years
04-17-2019, 07:15 PM (This post was last modified: 04-20-2019, 08:22 PM by Seadragoness.)


A twitch of a nose and flicker of a black ear ruffled him awake from his half-asleep daze. Lemon orbs shot open before shifting to the side as ears perked and twitching at the slightest of sounds. Nose wrinkled at the smell of something new, another creature gracing him with their presence. He couldn’t quite determine what exactly if approaching (he blamed it on his hurt state, obviously), but it seemed harmless although he’s been wrong before. Eyes once again shut in hopes to have the element of surprise. Muscles tense, ready to launch its owner up and out of danger if need be.

Noises of light sniffing prickled him, the sound drawing nearer to his person. Maddox was mildly surprised that he was approached, either this creature was brave or a fool. Ears instantly pinned against his cranium was the sniffing breached his bubble of personal space and hovered over his sore wound.

“Hello?” followed in a gentle tone, the voice was feminine in sound forcing him to believe that his unwanted company was female. Lids ascended from their covering of his sight as he spun his head towards her presence, snapping his jaws with a warning and intention to force her back a couple of steps.

Now with his focus on the dark pelted female, he opted to observe her outer appearance. She is small in stature along with a dark coat with light points and silver eyes; he would be lying if he said she wasn’t an attractive wolf. Orbs shifted down to the blue ribbon placed securely around her fore ankle, a quick thought of “How fitting” floated through his brain before his attention was brought upwards once again. A bag slung to her side had him curious, perhaps she’s a witch, as his lineage called those that most know was healers. Maddox flipped his tail, one could call the action that of agitation as he finally felt her worthy enough for his words.
"Foolish to have approached an unknown, next time you may not be so lucky,"
he spoke with a tone of indifference, as if her existence bored him.
