
Where fears and lies melt away



4 Years
Dire wolf

Trick 2019Christmas 2019
04-18-2019, 03:08 PM

Philomena gave a small nod as Pegasus spoke and gave her some reassurance on the matter. She was worried about telling the children… in a way it wasn’t their fight… but at the same time she worried for them. For all of Boreas and Auster if the actions of the Abraxas were to continue as they once were. Even if the did not… there were still crimes to be answered for. Injustices that could not be overlooked. Maybe it was wrong to hold a grudge… but for the sake of Ganta and Yale the female knew that she would.

Philomena followed after the male with no hesitation at all. Being alone in her thoughts would not help anything… if anything it would bring up thoughts and darkness she’d rather keep hidden away.

She allowed her gaze to wander instead of her thoughts, looking to Pegasus as a knight against those sorts of thoughts. To make matters worse Ulric had seemed to disappear as well… and one of her daughters was ill… Gods things were never easy, were they?

Her gaze swept over the flowers that spilled across the the green that covered the hillside until it landed on one of the large boulders here and there. She allowed her blue eyes to sweep up them too, thoughtfully silent as she observed. It was Spring… and she should have been happier. Should have felt more confident. She took note of a bird nesting on a niche on one of the stones as well.

How strange… it didn’t seem like the best place for a nest but she was hoping the creature knew what it was doing.

At last, paws continuing to carry her onward, she allowed her gaze to return to Pegasus, speaking up softly. “I’m glad to see you come back again, Pegasus.” Her words were soft and sincere.

“I’m afraid my brother has disappeared again… and I never did reunite with my mother.” Her words became quieter. “I think I may also need to seek out a healer as well… one of my daughters has been under the weather for some time… and I fear my knowledge is not enough.” Not that she knew a lot about herbs to begin with.

She felt badly sharing this with him… but without her brother she wasn’t sure who else to turn to with her worries. Pegasus had proved to be trustworthy thus far… and she hoped he understood just how much she needed him.


  • Philomena's current avatar is by Risketch on DeviantArt.

  • Philomena has a bat hawk companion named No Face who is generally somewhere nearby if he is mentioned at all in a thread. If not mentioned, assume he is not there!