
look away from the sky



7 Years
04-20-2019, 03:20 PM
Seduce my mind
and you can have my body
Confidence radiated through her very fiber at the man words. No longer was she wondering how did they found her or how many they were out there in the world, but instead of that the autumn-kissed Goddess welcomed the warmth they all seemed to share. A prominent jaw curved gracefully , painting a smile and the strength of her neck showed in the twining cords of muscle that shaped her entire bodice; curvaceous, slender and feline-like; strong, mile-long limbs closed the distance between the two of them so she could have a closer looks. Bold thighs and sensual hips moved right and left before she lessened her pace, taking in his masculine musk, his aroma. He was an Adonis. A Ithuriel God among the other men who each pale in comparison. One look at both of them and women and men would swoon at the sight no matter their sexual preferences.

Auditory system flickered forward, registering every single word and syllable that fell from his pale lips; having now a name to identify the face with. Anubis and Setekh. sultry tones reiterated his own as she came to a halt in front of him. Her wel bred, refined position showing the regality that poured like ichor through her veins. Finesse and sophistication as she crossed her paws at the ankles. There are a few others that you need to meet but I am joyous to make your acquaintences, Thoth.   a roll of her hips was all it took to shift her weight and sit on her haunches, Ra only earns my despite. the levels of acidity rose as fiery orange optics eyed the younger lad, I had defeated him and took his crown and title from him.


Flowers in Chania

Warning: this is a mature themed character.
She has a 20" caracal by the name of Alphonse. It shall be presumed that he is with her all the time unless stated otherwise.
Ithuriels, Hannibal and her pups are allowed to crash her threads regardless of the tag!

Let's Plot Together