
look away from the sky



2 Years
Extra large

Treat 2019
04-20-2019, 04:33 PM (This post was last modified: 04-20-2019, 04:35 PM by Thoth.)
Build your own pyramids
write your own hieroglyphs

As she dipped her head softly Thoth lifted his own features to watch as she shifted gracefully. Golden rimmed eyes blinked back his range of emotions as he watched the heavens seems to fall into place around her. ”Our family is as dysfunctional as it is large.” He perked his golden tipped ears as she spoke of their family. He always wondered how many of them there were, and now he realized that likely even their Paraoh did not know. ”It has been a long time since I had a place to call home. Not until I arrived to Boreas.” She mused as her bright gaze returned to his slim form. He wondered what kind of horrors she might have been through to get here at this point. ”What is your story, blood?”

She looked at him with honest interest, her golden gaze upon him. She held the same question of him that he wished of her. His lips tugged up in a curious smile, amazed at how he had found his half siblings so easily. Though still many remained to be found. ”Ra found my mother’s bed to be warm,” He started bluntly, the whole reason he existed was because of his mother’s beauty. ”Once I could understand he taught me who and what I was. I was a pup.. but I loved him. I looked up to him.” As the last few words left his ivory lips the pain slipped through as well. Ra abandoning him had hurt. ”He left me without ever looking back.” Had the sun god ever loved him? Had Hiero ever loved him?

He sighed softly, trying to diffuse the emotion that welled in his heart. His eyes found Thys again, his sister. The thought was becoming more comfortable, as he was opening up to her he could feel the deeper blood bonds strengthen.


Where My Demons Hide