
a paradox



8 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Trick 2019
04-20-2019, 08:38 PM

The sudden movement caught her by surprise as the wolf went from the gentle breaths of sleeping, to the motion of snapping his jaws in the air before her face. She knew it for a warning, and politely took a step back, unruffled other then the initial fright it had given her. Injured wolves had a habit of reacting unpredictably, and she did not know this wolves state of mind even before injury.

She waited a moment to allow him time to orientate himself, through she had the sneaking suspicion he hadn’t been nearly as asleep as he appeared. His flank still bleed, untreated, and she could see flecks of dirt within the wound. With difficulty, she pried her gaze from the gash, back to his face. She could see the unwavering suspicion in the golds of his gaze. The color should have been warm, but he managed to wear them cool and stern as they took her in.

His dark form was rich and thick with a ruffled coat and heavy form. He had an easy ten inches over her small, petite frame, that he held as menacingly as his gaze. His words held the same threat, even if his tone lingered on indifference. “My fate is not nearly so important as all that.” she said dryly, the teaching of her mentor drilled into her. The lives of others before her own, always. It was a hard lesson to shake off, when for a long time, it had been all she had known. She gave her form a quick shake, as through to say that was neither here nor there.

“I heard the bear attack, I’m surprised you got away as unscatched as you did. I saw the blood, which lead me here to you. I thought I would be stuck on burial detail, I didn’t think my services as a healer would be needed.” she raised a brow at the last, turning it into an invitation. She would heal him, without charge nor expectation, if he so allowed her to.


Duty before Self