
Spring gives a New light to Life



4 Years
04-20-2019, 09:23 PM (This post was last modified: 04-20-2019, 09:33 PM by Maddox.)


Beams of light illuminates from the suns body, warming his dark pelt and casting a sort of calm over his being. Legs ceased in their forward propel as his large skull drifted upwards with closed eyes to bask in the spring’s glorious warmth. After such an unforgiving winter, springs yearly birth definitely made the long wait well worth the colds ache. Autumn and spring had always been a favorite of his, both always highlighting natures beauty and blessing the land with ideal temperatures; its weather never sweltering hot or fatally freezing. A soft cool breeze ruffled playfully through the dark coat as if in hope to ignite a positive response and to encourage the large wolf to play with its bodiless presence. Had he been a pup he probably would have taken the wind up on its offer and bound into its spirited embrace. Alas, he was no longer at such an age to make playing with the wind seem innocent and endearing rather than ridiculous and imprudent; nor does he actually hold the desire to do such a thing.

Yellow irises opened with a lazy blink as his chest heaved in a content sigh at the suns warmth and the simplicity of the situation, it’s certainly healthy for the mind to blank in its thoughts, to leave its master with a unique calm and light aura. It was easy to lose yourself to your own mind, rather it is from extreme thought or mindless silence; in most cases, Maddox much prefers a blank quite brain than an overused stressed one, it leaves his mind peaceful and keeps his mentality sane or saner than it actually is.

With a body wishing to bath in the sun and his eyes desiring to close, Maddox thought that as his signal to keep himself moving. With much difficulty he moved forward in a slothful walk, head lowering to level with his backbone and tail drooping in his content.

In no real destination, he moved without an actual purpose, wishing to get nowhere slowly yet hoping he eventfully ends up somewhere at some point. It would be pleasant to finally have somewhere he could settle himself into, to where traveling was no longer the plan. Although he would much rather stay by himself than make himself part of a pack, the responsibly of guarding others’ lives and following orders of someone else wasn’t exactly his idea of a good time. In the grand scheme of things, Maddox wishes to only look after himself, to follow his own rules, and to only worry about his own personal well-being. At least with his own person to only be loyal to betrayal would never be a consequence, not to mention, others just simply exasperated him. Some had absurd personalities in terms of an overabundance of unadulterated happiness, pure depressing attribute, or they’re just plain senseless. With each interaction, he could almost feel his brain lose cells and his strong grasp on his own sanity slip through his fingers. Maybe one day he’ll end up being that wolf that speaks to the trees with made up voices and storylines, one could only hope.

Maddox lost himself within his own pointless mind process that he hadn’t realized the extent of his own travels until something other than green and brown passed over his line of sight. A mental shake to stir him from his daze revealed a forest of redbud trees, their branches plenty with lavender petals, the beauty of them was impressive.

Irises of yellow glanced around the newly found territory with a look of neutrality, its beauty seems to not have affected his outside demeanor while on the inside he thought of how his mother spoke of purple petals growing on trees in an area far away. As a pup he thought the story absurd, thinking petals only grew from the tiny stems on the ground, in a fit of rebellion, he talked over his mother at the stupidity of the idea, he had been scolded for his mouth.

Before grasping at the idea of where the hell he actually was, he spotted another creature placed underneath one of the petal trees. Their coat base, from what he can see, is colored a rich brown along with unique blue markings, a bizarre color tone that he’s never personally encountered before, his curiosity was piqued. Maddox took a brief scan of the land before approaching the other wolf with a confident stride. His body language, while neutral, also held an aura of assertiveness, hoping to get a point across without trying to cause actual fear.

At a fair enough distance to give them both their personal space he sat his rump to the ground and stared at the other with calculating eyes as his nose twitched in a sniffing motion, wishing to catch a scent and he wasn’t disappointed.
“How ill-advised for a she to be left on her own. Tell me she-wolf, are you alone?”
His voice deep as the words spilled from his tongue with a smooth flow. Ears twitching forward as to make sure as to not miss out on hearing any response that she may provide him.
