
look away from the sky



7 Years
04-21-2019, 08:23 AM
Seduce my mind
and you can have my body
That is all she needed to know, that is all she wanted for their family; to know that they got each other back and come hell and high water, they will be there for one another. The bronze-kissed mistress knew it was a long shot to even dream about it but maybe it was possible, some day, some time, when they will grow stronger and her family will reach some sort of stability. His agreement made her auditory system erect, pround on top of her regalia as her fiery gaze pierced the younglings very soul, digging a hole as deep as an abyss through his mantra, through his spirit. You are home now, Toth. she graced his ears with her purrs, soft like a breeze and yet it hold a serious meaning. The Ithuriel were a notorious and infamous breed of devil incarnates, of Fallen celestial beings that were thrown out of their rightful pedestal only to be cursed and caged within the mortal realm and vessels. Sensous beings, murderous and vain; they could fight one another, disagree and throw the knives but they would not betray the blood and she will make sure of it. Meet me here tomorrow night, blood. Such a ocassion requires celebration. her cheek brushed along his own for the last time before she departed towards her three spawns. She had been gone for far too long and thought Alphonse was watching over them she did not want to risk it. A turn of her heels was all it took for mile-long limbs to carry her greacefully across the land, calculating paws places stratefically one in front of the other.



Flowers in Chania

Warning: this is a mature themed character.
She has a 20" caracal by the name of Alphonse. It shall be presumed that he is with her all the time unless stated otherwise.
Ithuriels, Hannibal and her pups are allowed to crash her threads regardless of the tag!

Let's Plot Together