
a paradox



8 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Trick 2019
04-21-2019, 07:12 PM
There was a break in his passive expression as an understanding of her words reached him. The disgust was easy to read, and his words held disdain and disagreement in equal measures. She shrugged it off, even managing a wry smile at his words. "Each to their own" she said easily, before gently adding another explanation. "I'm a healer, and my duty is to others" she held no resentment for the way she had been raised. She loved healing, the discovery of knowledge. Experimenting with herbs, and perfecting her recipes. She was a scholar, but even that was second to her duty. She knew, a small part of her at least, that she was raised this way for a reason. She was the redemption from the harm her mother had unleashed onto this world. If the woman who had birthed her had raised her, instead of discarding her, she would likely be a very different person today.

He explained the reasoning for the attack, and the younger wolf nodded her head. "Lucky for you. Or unlucky, depending how you view it." She would observe. He gave her leave to heal him, and she shuffled closer, keeping her tiny bulk down so she wouldn't give him another start. She placed her bag on the ground, and nosed around it for her equipment. She was constantly adding to her supplies, and kept a stash of ready made salves on her at all times. She found the jar of sunscreen, reminding her of Hannibal, as she smiled as she gently moved past it and grabbed her cleaning salve. With a hint of the rare ginseng root, squeezed elderberry. He might also catch a hint of ginger and honey in the mixed scent of the salve. She applied this to cleaned moss and gently scrubbed around his wound. She kept her movements slow, and well she applied enough force to clean the wound, there was a gentleness to everything she did. Once it was cleaned and rinsed with water from the stream near by, she dried the wound and applied a second salve across the wound in a goop, before binding it tightly with lambs ear.

This done, she wrapped a dose of the paste in a leaf and placed it in easy reach of his paws. "Re apply this in a day, and keep the wound clean." She directed him, "do you require something for the pain?" It was the warrior sorts that offered resistance here, and she was debating still if he was the type. She would give him the choice before grabbing out the paste she used as a pain killer.