
A new beginning (claim)


07-16-2013, 01:47 PM

Awaken gave a sigh. ?"I do not wish to harm you, but I will if I Must. ?He lifted his lips showing an arsenal or ivory white teeth, their deadly jagged edges showing. He lowered his chest floor close to the ground and allowed his hackles to rise. ?His tail parallel to its base to improve his balance. The sheer amount of fur making him look huge. ?His claws dug into the dirt and his eyes narrowed for their protection. His muzzle lowering to protect any vital veins in the area, but his jaws hung open ?and slightly upwards,to counter head on attacks. His shoulders rolled forward to cover the base of his neck and front chest floor. ? His blood-curdling snarl ripping from his throat. ?His ears slicked back on his head and his tounge licked his teeth with the lust of a fight.

His muscles tense and his legs stamped firmly to the ground he awaited an attack. His emerald eyes locked on his target, nothing showing in his eyes but green hell's fire. She looked smaller so maneuverability was a great factor. He was also fast on his feet due to his lithe form but he had enough power to back him up. He looked her over for weaknesses. None appealed immediately. Perhaps a surprise attack would solve things? No, not very honorable but he would put her in her place. ?A slight rock of the head signaled he was ready for ?her to come.

Attack: None yet
Defenses: head held low and jaws open to counter front attacks. His claws dug into the dirt to prevent sliding back upon impact. His eyes narrowed but not closed, his ears are pinned back to his head. His head is low but his muzzle is pointed up to attack and his shoulders are rolled forward to cover the sides and lower part of his neck. His back and tail are straight for balance and his legs are right under each of their joints ( his shoulders are even with his front paws and his hips are even with his back paws).
injuries: none yet