
take these broken wings

Rhyme I


10 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantFamousTrick 2019
04-22-2019, 09:01 PM
Rhyme’s features fell from the slowly brightening sky as his summoning song faded into the mists. The slate alpha need not wait long, and before his eyes a fiery red waif appeared from the cloaking shadows. She was an impressive wolf, mammoth by anyone’s standards. Rhyme felt his inky black lips pull back in an amused smile. Yes, this was what he wanted. The was this wolf talked put Rhyme off, much like Tyranis had that awful day here. He tried not to think about it, and nodded respectfully towards his opponent.

”Rhyme Cavaliere.” He hadn’t introduced himself since taking up his own name. ”I like the way you think.” The slate alpha slipped into his own defensive position. He pulled his lips back from his teeth as his hackles raised and his ears fell to his skull. His midnight swathed tail flashed behind him as a banner. He distributed his weight evenly between his four paws before behind his joints as he stored energy to leap.

Rhyme sprang, aiming to rush his opponent’s left side. Rhyme tried to orient himself so his right shoulder was aimed at the soft spot between ribcage and hips. Aiming the point of his shoulder to ram into the difficult to protect area while he opened his jaws. Rhyme sought to bite down on the bright wolf’s spine. Right before the hips began.

Rhyme vs Melanthios for Dominance
Round 1/ 2(?)
Size: x-large
Build: medium
Companion 1: flying
Companion 2: battle
Fight Skill Level: Expert