
Moonstones and Moonlight [Red]



Intermediate Fighter (55)

Intermediate Hunter (50)

5 Years
Extra large

Trick 2019
04-22-2019, 10:11 PM
Red was wandering without any particular plan when the scent of a pack touched his nose. He was set to turn away and find a way around it - he certainly didn't want to make the pack's warriors nervous at a rogue's presence when he could just as easily make a wide berth around the lands - but he paused when a long, winding structure caught his attention. Well now, what was this? He hesitated, but his curiosity got the better of him and he continued in the same direction he'd been heading, wanting to get a better look at the structure.

Luckily the structure was on the border rather than further on the other side of it. His stance and pricked ears spoke of intense curiosity as he moved up to the moonlit stones, and he didn't immediately notice the hide nearby, nor the pale form within it. No, his attention was entirely focused on the stacked stones. He was enchanted with the structure, stretching on as far as the eye could see along the border. It didn't look quite like most of the human structures he'd seen - the humans had seemed to prefer their stones to be precisely shaped and held together with some strange substance like sandstone itself, while this one was uncut stacked stones. There were places where it seemed the mysterious wall-builder had started experimenting with different ways of sticking the stones together, and Red's mind immediately kicked into overdrive, ideas for improvements tumbling over each other. He reared up to press his forepaws against the wall, quietly mumbling under his breath, a nonsensical litany of calculations and corrections and ideas laid forth and rejected.