
Walk on the wild side

Shaye I


8 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantTreat 2019
04-22-2019, 10:49 PM

She hid her smile at his lackluster response, and nodded her head gravely. She had no idea what he had gotten into, why he stunk and his eyes were red like he had been crying. He wasn’t the sort of wolf to hug it out, or tell her all about it. For one, she knew she wasn’t his mother, even if he was Rhyme’s son. She was determined not to led him fade into the background of her life, she wanted to give him honest opportunities in life, and be an Alpha he could respect.

”Alright, well head out of the pack this way.” she instructed him, and started walking in the direction she indicated. They moved South through the pack lands, stepping over the rapids at one point, before following the stream outside of pack lands, and into the direction of sunset falls. “First off, scent. Bears are said to have the greatest sense of smell in the world, so here's what we are going to do” she said, stopping beneath a fruit tree. She used the best tact she could without actually mentioning his smell. “Lemons can neutralise a lot of scent, so we are going to wash in the fruit, then rub dirt and pine over our legs. This is the boring part, after that we scout the bear, okay?” she explained to him, before breaking apart the fallen lemons, picking one up in her maw and rubbing it over part of her body. She would take the lead in everything she would direct him to do, showing him the best way to do so.

The bear wasn’t totally a lie, she had caught scent of the bear, but so far he hadn’t wondered too close to Abaven’s borders. Scouting him was useful, so long as they were careful, so it wasn’t a total waste. Plus, scouting out a dangerous animal sounded like something right up his alley, and might help him get his mind off whatever had happened, and help the two wolves bond.


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