
a story to tell



5 Years
04-23-2019, 04:36 PM
Distant eyes watched the autumn-colored maiden listened to the sounds of the morning and eyeing some birds that were fluttering about the sky. The day surely was nice as she listened to their harmonious tune, wondering just what they could possibly be thinking. All the woman knew was that they were nomads much like herself, traveling from one place to another. However, some of them did have a set goal in mind as she heaved a slight sigh before soon getting out of her temporary tree den, stretching her limbs before making her haste to go and find some decent breakfast.

However, her somewhat peaceful morning was soon interrupted when the cries of a fawn echoed throughout her ears before silence quickly took over. It would seem there was another in the area as she trotted over to where the cries had come from. They seemed to be not far from her current vicinity, so that was at least helpful to her. But, before long, her icy gaze landed on that of a dark male. He definitely seemed larger than her and well built, hoping she didn't start a lot of drama with this male as she made her approach, keeping a small distance from the male. "Lovely morning, it's it?" She spoke, trying to lighten the mood in hopes of starting some form of conversation with the brute who seemed rather busy chewing on a bone from his kill. There was no doubt he was the one ended the prey animal's life.

Orabelle knew that it her little conversation starter would make her out to be either weird or more of a nuisance, but the she-wolf really didn't seem to care. After all, her life was somewhat half over in her eyes, so why not meet as many new faces as she could?