
Spring gives a New light to Life



5 Years
04-23-2019, 09:05 PM

Her eyes watched the birds hop from branch to branch above, birds of different sizes and colors. They didn't seem at all bothered by her presence and seemed to simply be enjoying how nice of a day that it was. The temperature was comfortable and it was even mild enough that if she had wanted she could bask in the warm rays of the sun, which might be something she did later on. She needed to collect herbs to take home to her den, to stock up while the plants were alive and well so that the healer could be prepared for when her duties were needed. Spring gave her a lot more time to hunt and the longer she waited the less of a chance she would get to get a good harvest of herbs. Dropping her gaze she felt she should be getting up and beginning her search, but the sound of another approaching made her attention turn elsewhere.

Bright green gaze would be turned to look at the dark figure that approached. He was bigger then her, but his size didn't match the height of the male's within her pack. Her eyes studied his assertive body language and her eyes didn't show any fear. What did she have to fear? He would stop a distance away and sit down, giving plenty of room for the both of them to have their personal space, a very respectable gesture from a completed stranger. She herself remained relaxed, comfortable with the fact he had left personal space. She was always eager for social interaction with others, but she had learned to not show her emotions too much like she had with Mortar.

Her ears would perk as the male spoke, deep voice and yet smooth tones. Asking if she was alone, which she was. Ill advised it may be especially after what had happened to her mother years ago, but here she was.

"I am, are you?" she would answer, but also turn the question back at him.

He was downwind from her so it was difficult for her to determine if there was more then his own scent on his pelt.


[Image: 8GuozRR.png]
[Image: TxH2KFf.png]