
Ninjas, anyone?



04-24-2019, 07:03 AM
This is Lea!

Name: Antoinette Salah
Age: 3 years
Gender: Female
Alignment: True Neutral
Design: one, two
Description: Much like her family, Antoinette's most notable feature is her build – standing at a diminutive 23 inches tall, the lass's miniature, compact frame is apparent at first glance. A light tan coat does its best to hide the lithe muscles that encase the young woman’s body, clothing the wolf in sleek fur. The tan colouration is not a perfect canvas - a much darker shade of the same colour forms stockings on the legs and creeps up the face from the muzzle.

Perhaps somewhat surprisingly, given her training and life thus far, the small body is remarkably clear of scars. Tumbles taken from treetops as a youngster should probably have left their mark, but have somehow managed not to, thus far. Mid-blue eyes only add to the tree-top camouflage – doing an impressive job of mimicking the blue of a clear sky glimpsed between branches or leaves. She moves near-silently on soft paws, and can often only be heard coming if she intends to be. Her movements are fluid and confident – the result of complete comfort in one’s own skin. She wears a bangle around the base of her tail, attached to which are two dark tails – taken from foes bested in raids back home. At first glance it gives the impression that she has three tails herself, though the glint of metal holding them there can be spotted after some inspection.

Personality: First and foremost, the Soundless training that the young woman has spent so much of her life engaging in has resulted in a seemingly limitless sense of patience and calm. The focus with which she concentrates seems disconcerting from an outside perspective, but now feels as natural to her as breathing. She is not perfect – of course there are still situations that can whip her up into a panic or truly anger her, but these instances are becoming fewer and farther between, as she ages.

Proud of her achievements and determined to continue to improve, Antoinette has an unfortunate habit of coming across as somewhat arrogant. She knows full well that within their culture she has proven well her self-worth, and is pleased by this. She worked hard to become one of the Soundless, and sees no reason to pretend that the achievement is not a significant one. Unfortunately, her derision for those who she sees as making no effort to better themselves can come across as superior and haughty.

Uninterested in marrying off to another wealthy Songa, Antoinette is fiercely independent. She’s fully aware of her own status, and unwilling to settle for an unsuitable match. She doesn’t resent the concept, precisely; she’d just much rather spend her time increasing her status under her own power, rather than marrying into it.

As self-sufficient as she may be, the woman nonetheless has a firm sense of loyalty and family. Protective of those of her kind that are younger than her, this sense is only stronger when it comes to those related by blood. She is wary of strangers and slow to trust them (particularly those of large stature), and will be damned if she’ll sit and watch the yearlings charge off into lands unknown alone. Touch her family and she’ll add your tail to her collection.

How are they related to Balsam?: Older sister
Plans: A decorated Soundless warrior, she doesn’t entirely agree that Balsam and co.’s charging off without the go-ahead from the council is a good idea, but she also doesn’t feel comfortable letting them go alone. When their mother attempted to take off after them to drag the younger son home, Antoinette managed to convince her to hold fire temporarily; promising to go after them herself and make sure they didn’t get themselves killed. She was careful not to promise to bring him home, given that she doesn’t believe what Balsam is doing to be wrong, exactly. She’s followed the group silently at a distance thus far, but will reveal herself before too long.