
I'm Searching For Fragile Bones



3 Years
04-24-2019, 10:07 PM

Rain hunched his shoulders against the cold, keeping his head low as he walked along the cove, the waves breaking against the rocky shoreline and spraying his slate coat with alkaline mist. He had left his bags behind for this venture, traveling at night with his golden companion.

There had been a curious string of crab shell pieces and claws at the border surrounding the garden along with a strange scent that just barely plucked at his memory although he could not exactly place how. He had tracked the sparse trail to the cove and now Rain wandered the coastline searching for answers. He had not told Malleus or anyone where he was going or why mostly because he did not feel he needed to. He was far from helpless, as he had proved to the empire countless times, and he was one of the smartest wolves among the Abraxas, which was on no unsure terms an achievement. Plus he had Faldur, what was the worst that could happen?

A low raspy moan broke over the crashing of the waves and for a moment Rain halted in his tracks. He had expected to find someone or something, but the noise carried on the wind had been haunting and grotesque. He lowered his head slightly, unsure if he should continue or turn back to find someone to help him. He was startled by his companion’s black hand on his shoulder and turned his head to look at him. The primate looked off into the shadowy distance they had left behind and Rain knew in an instant what the baboon was trying to tell him. They had been followed.

“Who’s there? Show yourself!” He demanded, his hackles raising in an attempt to look intimidating in spite of his small stature. He couldn’t help but feel relieved that he had at least some answer for the dreadful moan he had heard, although some part of his mind fired back that the sound had come from ahead of them, not behind. He brushed the thought aside. He wouldn’t think about it, not for now.

Word Count: 350

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