
Here's A Lesson For You



2 Years
04-26-2019, 10:21 AM
Evergreen eyes trailed the male as he made his approach, and while she noticed his body attempting to not appear threatening, she couldn't shake the fear that was seeded in her bones. Wolves were predators after all, and there was no rule against what animal they chose to hunt, including their own. Once he stood near the carcass, she allowed her eyes to flicker back down to the pelt, but kept her ears trained in the male's direction in case he attempted to try anything. Her puncture wounds were deep and the hairs around them were caked in dried blood from the severed jugulars, but perhaps with some tough love, she could get the stains out. The real trick was going to get the skin pulled away from the meat, in a way that left enough food for both of them, but also allowed her to save the pelt for later use. Paris would flick her eyes back up to the white male, then back down to the calf when he asked if she would go first.

Brows knit together for a moment as she thought about her best option. "Save the pelt." She mumbled before moving towards the rear end of the animal, hoping to find better purchase with the muscle there to tear away the skin. She would eye him first, before leaning down and placing a firm paw on the medial aspect of the calf thigh, before gently sinking her canines into the tissue directly next to the rectum, using the sharp tooth to slice through the skin layer. She used her purchase on the calf's thigh to contradict her pulling at the rump, and to keep the body from moving too much during this skinning process. Within moments, she would have an incision of at least three inches along the rear, creating a good flap of skin of which she could begin to tear away at. Paris paused before continuing however, looking back at the stranger with slightly reddened lips to see how he was approaching the meal.
