
Find me a future

Shaye I


8 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantTreat 2019
04-28-2019, 03:41 PM

Her and Rhyme had decided that it was time to put the pups to their official apprenticeships. Noir would become a warrior, and she had left Rhyme to speak to one of their best warriors to start his apprenticeship. She also hoped Odysseus could pull the man into line. She wanted Verse to learn healing, a safer future for the sickly wolf, but her and Rhyme where not of one mind concerning her. Motif, she knew, leaned towards no particular skill, so she would pass the girl around to a mentor of each skill until something stuck. Poem.. Poem was the heir, and her training would be difficult. As for Theory? Well, that girl had managed to win her heart on the day Shaye had showed her around the pack.

She hated to say it, but Theory was the only one who had won her heart of Tana’s children. Noir was a bully, and Verse had a barely-there personality, at least when she was in the same space as Shaye.

With Theory, Shaye had some ideas in the works, and wanted to see how the kid responded to her potential future. If becoming a diplomat appealed to her, she would be a strong aid to Poem when the mantle was passed on to her child. Both of those girls would hold a lot of sway in Abaven in the future, if things worked out in the way Shaye was planning.

She found the young girl not far from the rapids, and would let out a gentle bark to let the girl know she was searching for her. She approached the blue eyed wolf, and smiled down at the sweet girl. “Theory, hello there” she said in greeting. “Me and Rhyme have decided to start you all in official training, that means potentially a lot more freedom will be heading your way.” she teased her gently. “I have an idea for where to direct your training, do you want to hear it?”



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