
In the spaces between the truth



4 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantTrick 2019
04-28-2019, 11:48 PM

Their memories where stagnant, and nothing in the days that had followed had teased from them their lost past. They knew, both of them, that they could not leave things as they where. The silent brother had let his paw whisper to her Frustrated curiosity, serious contemplation. Question, question before he got to his paws, his gaze grazing towards her body, and up towards her eyes. He held her gaze for only a moment. A private, quiet thing that spoke of trust and family. His wandering eyes drifted back down to her paws, so he could watch for what she might say in return.

He knew she felt the same frustrations as he did, knew that every morning as the sun rose, her paws itched and her eyes roved. She was missing something, an act perhaps, a ritual. Something, something her body knew the barest edges of her, and her mind had forgotten. He felt the same frustration every time he saw the tree in his dream, the magnificent, flowing branches. The flowers of red that pulled free and drifted, wild, in the wind.

They had lost themselves, and he was determined that they find their way back to who they had been. He led her silently from the area they had been denning, walking until his pace quickened, until his steps kicked up dust and his stride ate the earth. He let out his frustration upon the earth, letting each step drum against it, until the landscape became to vanish around them, changing. He didn’t know for how long they ran, their stamina was in line with their strength, boundless. It was a piece of their past, this strength of their bodies.

He released his stride when he caught the scent of the coyote. This, or something akin to it was what he had been searching for. He let his steps slow, and fall to a stop, turned to his sister, and signed a Crooked Smile

“Will you fight with me, blood of mine?” he asked her softly.
