
Because, you know, I'm a pirate



10 Years
Extra large

Valentines 2020
04-29-2019, 08:00 AM
Chaos watched the girl approach, and couldn't decide if she looked ashamed or fearful. He couldn't imagine Ashmedai raping someone - though more and more it looked like he didn't really know his brothers after all, he still didn't believe that Ash would stoop to that - so he decided that the latter was likely. Though given the fact that she was a Destruction, perhaps she was just a generally mousey girl. He couldn't understand the idea of being attracted to someone so... uhm... gentle. Weak, really, when you got down to it. He'd always preferred his potential mates with a great deal more fire to their personality. But Valen had picked a gentle mate as well and Ash had been really close to that Sparrow girl, so maybe it was just him that was the odd one. Even Rhyme had picked less-than-ideal mates, though if Shaye hadn't been, well, his cousin Chaos wouldn't have entirely disapproved of her. She had some fire when she wanted to, though like all the Destructions she clung to the supposed superiority of her morals like she was clutching her pearls.

Rhyme moved to take the girl aside as a few more young Destructions appeared - it was always fairly obvious who they were - and Chaos took the opportunity to study the girl from the short distance. He was certainly no expert on pregnancy, but she looked like she was going to pop at any moment. "She's not one of Bass' brood, is she?" he asked idly, with some surprise. "I didn't think any of his kids looked that much like him. A little young to be his kid, though, I guess. A little young for you, for that matter, isn't she?" he added, with a curious sidelong glance at his older brother.

One of the younger Destructions who had drifted in was what would have been an odd color before he'd met Artemis et al, and before both Angelus and himself had had equally colorful litters with two of the family. Electric blue stripes crossed the kid's dark pelt. He was clearly one of Rhyme's kids, with those distinctive spots under the eyes that both Rhyme and his mother both had. Well, it was probably reasonable to say that he'd gotten his stripes from Valen's side after all, since this not-so-little tyke sported a similar pattern himself. Chaos wondered if this was one of the inbred brats Rhyme and Shaye had birthed, or from the other litter, and he gave a thoughtful hmm sound as he studied the boy intently. He certainly didn't look like he had a double dose of Destruction, and except for that Destruction slash under the eyes he could easily have passed as one of Chaos' own pups. Well, if Rhyme was going to take up their time talking to Ash's girl, Chaos might as well do something productive with his time, especially since if things turned south he might not be allowed another chance at conversation with this particular familial branch. "What's your name, kid?" he asked the blue-striped pup curiously. "I'm Chaos Saxe, Legion alpha," he told him, tapping his own chest, then indicated Ash. "The weird one over there is Ashmedai Imperialis - we try not to take him out in public much. We're Rhyme's brothers, which unless I miss my guess," he added, indicating the boy's eye markings, "would make us your uncles. Don't suppose he talks about us much?" He ruthlessly suppressed the wistfulness that threatened to color the question, smothering it with a joking tone.

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Unless otherwise mentioned as absent, assume that both Great Horned owl companions are nearby
Chaos speaks in a strong lisp, which I am usually too lazy to write