
Hand in hand

Shaye I


8 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantTreat 2019
04-29-2019, 02:48 PM

The two weeks had come to an end, and Shaye had reached her decision. It had been a hard two weeks for her, and she had sought to retrieve facts where she could. In the end, she knew there was really only one conclusion for her to come to.
Tyranis was approaching from outside the pack lands, and Leera from inside of Abaven, the pups were out of the picture for the moment, so that she could speak to both parents in peace.

She waited until both wolves where before her before she spoke. "I've come to a decision - my conclusion is that I can not be this intimately involved in a decision over the lives of yourselves and your children. Both of you will find peace and neutrality in Abaven if you come to seek it. You have both been steady and mature over these two weeks, and I hope they have given you both time to calm and reflect on the future of your children. Leera I've seen you care for your children without telling too much of one side of the story, allowing the children to continue to love both of you. Ty, you have been patient and trusting in leaving me with the safety of your children for this time, and I trust that both of you can continue to be so mature and steady moving forward. What I can offer you is my position as intimidatory as you sort this out together as adults. I can offer some suggestions - shared custody week on week off until the children are adults, for example. If you find a solution that involves abaven and works for both you, I promise you my cooperation." She sat on her hunches and let the two parents take the floor.

This was about them, and she wanted to see them both take the reigns. But she would also standby, to offer both of them support, and to remind them that they had an audience, in the hopes it kept things civil. Well she didn’t wish to interfere any further, she might be sorely tempted to if she found one parent was willing to compromise and another was not, and it wouldn’t be in favour of the stubborn party.

"Talk" "You" Think


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