
In the spaces between the truth

Ballad I


4 Years

Treat 2019
04-29-2019, 06:14 PM (This post was last modified: 04-29-2019, 06:22 PM by Seadragoness.)

Ballad Pyre

Ballad curled tightly at Lament’s paws, all she had felt in the past few days had been lost. Lost and sad. Every night she looked up to the moon, at sunrise she was awake and found herself looking towards the sun. She paused at noon, and also at sunset. Every. Day. The repetition was a comfort but she knew deeply that she was missing something. Some critical piece of information she couldn’t quite grasp. Lament signed silently before he stood up, and she found her own silver gaze meeting his for a moment. They were family, and that small moment of intimacy did her immense good. Ballad felt depressed, and if she didn’t have Lament she would likely wither away to dust she was so lost on her own. "Sadness. Loss. Lost."

Her paws shifted before she pulled herself to her feet after her brother. Ballad followed after her brother unquestioningly, her fiery paws matching his pace as he slowly accelerated. The physical exercise also pulled her further from her depression as the joy of running took over. She let the wind ruffle her black locks as they kept at the trail, time ceased to pass. By the time her litter mate slowed she didn’t know where they were or what time it was. Her silvery gaze looked to the sky as her pretty paws came to a halt beneath her.

Her chest expanded with huffs of breath, her mouth open slightly as she inhaled the sweet spring air. Lament seemed to smell something more than the fragrant flowers. She cocked her head curiously as he signed a smile and asked if she wanted to fight alongside him. That was when the scent of coyote hit her. A look of realization came over her as she mirrored his sign.
"Always," she answered. Even without her memories the girl would always be there for her brother.

Where My Demons Hide