
Wherever the Wind Blows



9 Years
04-30-2019, 09:00 AM (This post was last modified: 04-30-2019, 09:02 AM by Storm.)

With her size and underweight body, Shaye didn't take much to get her onto her back. She carried her and Eli was hot on their heels, not wanting to have them out of his sight. Storm's pride was somewhat hurt knowing that this would be the beginning of relying on others to aid her. She hated to ask for help and didn't want to take advantage of other's, but she was getting weaker and Eli could only do so much to help her.

Shaye was careful to not jostle her much, something Storm appreciated very much. The trip to Abaven hadn't been long and the ride upon the other's back had been surprisingly comfortable, more so then she thought it could. Although it could have just been the exhaustion she was feeling, one couldn't be too sure. Once arriving Shaye had taken her to a den, placed her on a very soft and comfortable sheep's pelt and then curled her form around Storm. Eli came and curled himself in with Storm and the form of a pup curled herself under her chin.

So much care, so much kindness from Shaye. Storm could see why she was now the leader of Abaven, there couldn't possibly be someone better to carry on Bass' pack. She hadn't been around long when Sparrow was leader and Storm was sure she had been great, but Shaye reminded Storm of one of the elder healers within the clan, always willing to help no matter what.

"It's nice to meet you Motif, I'm Storm Wreckage and this is Eli," she would greet the pup quietly.

Shaye sent her own companion to bring food from the pile, but Storm's exhaustion was beginning to take over. Now that she was warm and comfortable falling asleep would not be to far away. Even Eli was starting to doze off in his position.

"Thank you so much for everything one thing I didn't catch was your name," Storm said trying to keep herself from falling asleep.

"Talk" | 'Think'

Art by Mochiimomo
[Image: pV7voRu.png]
[Image: 6qyNX6O.png]
Storm is completely blind
Storm's Companion Eli (Wolverine) is assumed to be with her at all times